
Capsuleer Illnesses

Originally posted by Dunk Dinkle at https://dunkdinkle.medium.com/capsuleer-illnesses-cd994fa04c48?source=rss-325cbe09ecdc------2. The pilots of New Eden are faced with many risks on a daily basis. Other capsuleers, pirates, mysterious...

How I do industry

Originally posted by Dunk Dinkle at https://dunkdinkle.medium.com/how-i-do-industry-aa39c3a5cde1?source=rss-325cbe09ecdc------2. A few people have asked how I plan & track my EVE Online industry work. Rather than a...

The Root of All Evil…

Originally posted by Dunk Dinkle at https://dunkdinkle.medium.com/the-root-of-all-evil-487ae7807be3?source=rss-325cbe09ecdc------2. tl;dr: Venture capitalists got their mind on their money and their money on their mind.CCP was just bought by...

Some of my friends ride with the Nazgûl

Originally posted by Dunk Dinkle at https://dunkdinkle.medium.com/some-of-my-friends-ride-with-the-nazg%C3%BBl-50cb6f9865a?source=rss-325cbe09ecdc------2. Current events in EVE have stirred up a flurry of postings on the Reddits, the Twitters, and assorted...