
The challenge facing New Eden

Originally posted by Dunk Dinkle at https://dunkdinkle.medium.com/the-challenge-facing-new-eden-de216d1d85ba?source=rss-325cbe09ecdc------2. Playing EVE Online is not for the weak of heart.Playing EVE Online takes a dedication and resilience found in few other video games.In a world...

PAPI’s Silk Road Offer, A Titan’s Way Out- Trustworthy or Not?

On March 28, 2021, PAPI leadership announced an official set of procedures for Imperium members wishing to leave the war to get access to...

Why “Expert Systems” Won’t Create Expert Players and How to Change It

In a recently published article, CCP introduced their newest way to "help" new players in EVE Online. You might think it would be a...

What Lowsec Means to Me

In the nearly two years I have played this game, I’ve spent a decent amount of time living in all areas of space (aside...

Half Measures – The Citadel Problem

Rich Richman here. The views expressed in this post are my own and do not represent any other group. The long dreaded Citadel Quantum core...

EVE Online Ecosystem Outlook – Botting and RMT

The ecosystem outlook is a breath of fresh air in the news against botting and RMT, with a small but fresh statistical release of...

The EVE Online Ecoystem, Looking Back at 2020 and Forward to 2021

For EVE players, the year 2020 will be remembered for several reasons. On the surface, 2020 will be known as the year that World...

The Culture of a War of Attrition

A couple of days ago something shocked me. As much as the game and I have been around for a while I am very fresh...

Complacency to incompetence – The ESS Changes

On the first of December, CCP announced changes to the ESS shortly after it's release.These changes are made seemingly to encourage ratting, and offer more advantages for the defender. By offering more value and output and faster recovery, it seems more encouraging for people to take the risk and PVE.

The ESS Changes, or “We want you to leave”

"We don't want to fight you, we just want you to leave our system." This is a quote commonly attributed to BRAVE representative and CSM member Dunk Dinkle. It is based on a CSM minutes conversation with ExookiZ and Aryth. The conversation was about fighting hostile intruders in your space.

World War Bee 2, Observations From An Outsider

Eight years ago I began my EVE Online career. Truth be told, I actually haven't played for those whole eight years but I would drop in from time to time, usually after a big headline-making battle, and I would resub and then slowly drift away. For myself, the first time was the Battle of Asakai, and again after B-R. They say the third time is the charm, and for me,